Thursday, March 27, 2014

Introducing: A Daily Summation

Hello there, my name is Gary Arnold. I am a social media manager, and business development strategist for a security alarm company. Have I bored you with that title? No? Well, let's move on. I'm starting this blog for several reasons, one of them is you.

One, for my job I write blog posts and brochure copy, but I'm not a copywriter. The last English class I took was five years ago - also, I hated English classes in High School.
I've found myself enjoying more and more the writing process. It's kind of exciting to see your words get printed in a brochure or get shared across the web. So in an effort to practice and hone my writing skills, I will write more.

Two, I am highly interested in new technology and business ideas. That being said I am happy to at any moment ditch all electronic devices and go on a week long camping trip if it's offered. I don't consider myself attached to my tech (I don't even have much to begin with), I don't much care for celebrity gossip (at all), and I'm sick and tired of Facebook. But, I still love to read dozens of articles a day, keeping up on trends and ideas that interest me and I want to share what I find and continually learn. Which leads me to my third point.

I read roughly 30-60 articles a day. Really that's an arbitrary estimate but still, a lot. But I find myself at the end of the day not remembering hardly anything of what I've read. Now, to the internet's credit, most of what I ready and/or watch probably isn't worth remembering. But some of it really is. There are some incredible, inspiring and beautiful things to be seen, heard and read on the internet - and I want to remember and apply more of it. So, in an effort to better remember what I read and see while hopefully becoming more insightful and creative, I will blog about my daily internet wanderings.

My goal with this new blog is to "summize" at the end of each work day, everything that I can remember from what I've read during the day. My memory certainly isn't perfect, nor is my grammar, spelling, or really anything else about me. But in an effort to improve memory and really "get more" out of the world wide web, I will be blogging (hopefully every evening) some of the highlights of what I remember reading and discovering throughout the day and probably adding some commentary as well.

I hope that you will benefit from my summations. That, maybe you'll find me funny, or smart, or helpful, or insightful. Whatever it is I hope that you can gain a little from a summized day from your friend Gary.

Disclaimer: For now, I don't plan on adding links to what I say. My goal is to not ever look back and search for the articles I've read in an attempt to remember it. It's all from pure memory. If you want to read more about what I mentioned, google it. If I don't remember a key part of an article that I'm summizing then I will try my best to substitute it. For the most part I read articles based around business, tech and tech companies, sci-fi, fantasy, marketing, social media, random fun, worthless buzzfeed, and other random social articles I come across. I will post a list of the YouTube channels I subscribe to and a list of my website "rounds" - the sites I visit several times a day, in a later post.

That's it. I'd love to hear what you think and I'm very open to suggestion on where to search, read and discover new and interesting things on the internet.

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