Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday25: Rockets, Star Wars and Nike

I've talked about SpaceX and their launch of a reusable rocket but I just wanted to confirm the news that they were successful. Despite only predicting a 30% success rate, they were able to deploy the "feet" of the rocket that let it have a soft touchdown in the ocean. This could open up a way to much cheaper space travel and even trips to Mars...

I've been watching Star Wars: Clone Wars and I must say that for a "children's" cartoon, it is quite epic, and often times dark. That being said I read some article about Star Wars today, including a video talking about the Expanded Universe of Star Wars.

This video tell about the many, many pieces of literature and media that have been created around the Star Wars Universe. There is a catalog of all these events, characters and story-lines. Now that Disney controls the franchise they will begin condensing and creating the official canon of all things Star Wars for the shows and other things to come.

I also read a post about some unknown facts about the lightsaber, I'll spare you the nerdy details but basically it's awesome.

Nike recently released an ad for the world cup. It's 4 minutes long but every second of it is gold. It shows a group of kids taking on the roles of some of the biggest names in soccer and playing an intense game. The world cup is the biggest sporting event in the world. If you've never watched it before I highly recommend giving it a try.

There was a humorous anti-bullying video that casts light on a funny reality; The nerds of today are the bosses of tomorrow, so be careful who you bully.

There was a touching video of a older man finding out that he was going to be a grandpa. It has of course gone viral like many of these videos do but it is rather touching. The article attached to the video also discussed why we feel emotional about our offspring and posterity. Evolution has built us to reproduce and our genes are really the only lasting thing that we can pass on. That may sound like a very scientific or emotionless way of viewing it but I belief it's rather profound. Our posterity is our ultimate legacy to the universe.

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