Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday4: WWII, Aliens and Brainwashing

The end of the week is upon us, and so are the countless, mindless posts of the interweb.

One of the most thought provoking posts I read (here at the end of the day) was about 10 alternate scenarios to WWII. They weren't meant as sci-fi predictions are alternate history fictions, but they certainly could be taken to that extreme. The author briefly outlines events that if they had turned out differently, could have altered the course of the war. Such events like; Germany invading Great Britain. Germany succeeding in taking Moscow, Nazis developing an atomic bomb, Hitlers assassination becoming a success and so forth. Very fascinating article, and I even learned a little about real history.

In a recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Clinton said that when he first got into the office he had his aids look into everything about aliens. Specifically, he looked into area 51. When asked if he would tell us (the viewers) if there were aliens there he said he would. There apparently isn't. He made an interesting observation as well; he hopes for an alien invasion. He says that an alien invasion may actually unite humanity. Unity is certainly something we could use right now, and I believe he's right, improbable, but right.

An ad agency (after hearing about a middle school kids idea to save money by switching fonts, see TGIF) created a font that truly does save ink. The name of the agency, which the font is named after, escapes me. But they have a cool little video that accompanies it. The font is legible and pretty cool looking, it uses a series of small lines to make up letters. It may catch on, it probably won't but there's always hope.

Maps are wildly popular these days and I saw one that showed the major international exports of each state. Utah's was gold, which I found interesting. Many, many states were airplanes, which I also thought was a little strange.

Brainwashing is real, and possible, but impossible to test due to humanitarian constraints. (thank goodness) But I did learn that the term "Stockholm Syndrome" originated form an actual incident (not a scientist like I had originally thought) in Sweden. There was a bank robbery that led to a hostage situation that lasted for 6 days. When the police came to rescue everyone the captors fought back and defended the criminals. After everything was done some of the captors even set up a fund to help pay for the robbers legal defense.

You learn something new every day. Every moment can be a learning opportunity. Have a great weekend!

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