Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday21: Robots, Cement, Sci-Fi Instruments, and SpaceX

It's been over a week since my last post but since neither of us are here for excuses, we'll jump right in.

A group of students (and professor) have developed a new compound of cement that if used, would last over 100 years before it needed replacing. Not only that, it's flexible (actually bendable) and completely water repellent. Pretty cool stuff.

Today is the 20th anniversary of the popular video games Myst and Doom. I never played Doom but I do understand it's impact on the FPS world of video games. Myst, was fantastic. I loved watching my parents play it as a child and I love the upgraded version as a teen. It was fun to reflect on these games and that it's been 20 years!

There was a fun post today that showcased 3 instruments used to make some of the most recognizable sounds of sci-fi. One of the instruments is used by holding your hands in the air, I believe it was called a Thorimum? Anyway the sounds from this instrument and others are found in movies like the Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek and many others. The origin of many sound effects and music can be very interesting.

The news that I am personally excited for is the recent Space X launch. Space X is a company owned by Elon Musk (see modern-day Tony Stark) that is the first private organization to send a rocket to space. They recently sent a payload to the ISS but what was different about this launch was that it used a new kind of ignition rocket, one that can be reused. There is a video of a drone filming a test launch and it's quite spectacular to see it boost up and then slowly lower itself down again. It's awesome to see space travel and exploration get more and more attention.

At the Detroit auto show Honda showed off their 14 year old project, not a car, but a robot. I can't remember the name of the robot, but you would recognize it if you saw it. Through the years it's form has stayed relatively the same but it's become more and more versatile and flexible. It kicked a soccer ball, danced on one foot and poured a glass of water. Our robot overlords may be closer than we think.

Occulus Rift will make terrifying horror games, there's a funny video to prove it.
Astronauts have all been using the same watch since the 70s and it's beautiful.

Here's to a week full of mysteries, fun and internet randomness!

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