Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday24: Disease, Parkour and Movie Changes

In the Middle East there is a celebration which brings many people together for religious reasons. If that isn't a vague statement, I don't know what it is. The point of that statement is to frame some health news. There has been a recent outbreak of the MERS virus. The MERS virus begins with cold-like symptoms that can escalate to death. It is similar to the SARS virus but less contagious, however, more deadly. With the religious gathering coming, scientists are worried that the disease will spread further-already over 200 people have been infected.

I think the idea of a virus destroying the world is not a new one but this certainly makes you pause and think. I don't believe MERS will be a scourge upon humanity but it's interesting to think about how easily it could be to start a pandemic...

Angry Nerd from Wired magazine claims that parkour (aka free running) should become its own movie genre. I hadn't considered this, or it's feasibility but he made a good point. Martial arts become its own genre of film, one that's expanded and grown greatly over the years and produced some amazing films. The movie, District 13 is a great example of a parkour film and even though the plot is a "vehicle to show off parkour" it's still not half bad.

I read an interesting that highlighted original versions of movies before they came to the big screen. For example, Star Wars was going to be more Lawrence of Arabia style, or in other words kind of like Avatar. (Train the locals, in this case wookies, to fight back against the Empire). The Truman show as originally going to be more of a sci-fi thriller than the humorous drama it is. Ghostbusters were originally going to be called ghostsmashers and be much more serious.

The post made me reflect on the creative process and how much things change. The original ideas of these films could still be equal good and may deserve exploring. I guess will have to check it out in a parallel universe.

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