Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday30: Fractals, Facebook and Time Travel

There's a great video (that you can see on my Google+ profile) of a noir style short video that explains the beauty and complexity of fractals in an entertaining way. It's a story of a private eye who's out to solve a mystery for a "dame" where he is met by a guru that asks him 3 riddles. I won't ruin the rest but it's worth a watch and you might actually learn something.

Facebook held a big developers conference today. The news wasn't terribly interesting but I'm sure we'll feel it's effects in months to come. Facebook will be changing the way we log in to external apps and the way apps communicate to each other. They're also shifting focus to fix bugs quicker and provide a better experience rather than rapid adaptability.

I watched a great sci-fi short video of 2 women on a space ship of some kind that is equipped with a 3 minute time traveling device - reminiscent of Galaxy's Quest's sphere that lets you reverse time for 13 seconds. Without spoiling the ending the two astronauts are in trouble and have to use the device to change the future. The future is certainly changed, but not in how they or we expect.

Another video, I guess I watched a lot today, is about the meaning of auto makers and their cars. I honestly don't remember many of them. Some of them were unique in their meaning or origin, many were simply the founder's name or a factory name.

I read a post about 10 more theories of why the dinosaurs went extinct. It could have been anything from mushrooms to thinning egg shells. Interesting stuff but it still all seemed to start with the meteorite that landed 28 million + years ago.

A cinema analyst has predicted that Star Wars Episode VII will be a very successful and high grossing movie, possibly breaking records. This would put it on par with movies like Titanic and Avatar (both James Cameron films) that made over $1 and $2 billion respectively.

Scientist have figured out how the Egyptians moved the giant stones that made up the pyramid. It was wet sand. It turns out that getting sand just wet enough allows you to slide things across it with half the energy it would usually take. So there you have it, so much for the alien theory and Stargate.

Apple is ridiculously rich. It could buy (I'm trying to remember most of these) Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora and a few others and still have $54 BILLION left over. Wow.

There was a lot from today, please look into these things and learn from them, or at least correct me. :)

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