Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday29: Star Wars Movie, Copy Machine and Brain Computers

Let's get the exciting news out of the way. You've probably already hear (nearly every company I follow seems to have posted about it at some point) but J.J. Abrams and Disney have announced the official cast of the new Star Wars movie. The movie will take place 30 years after Episode VI and will feature many of the original cast like; Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, C3PO and R2D2. I'm not very familiar with the cast they've chosen but it looks promising. The only name that I can still remember is Andy Serkis aka Gollum of LOTR. That alone has me excited for the possibilities and although he's become known as a CGI an facial expert (like his role as Gollum or Caesar in Planet of the Apes) he makes a great live-action actor as well.

I watched a funny parody-type video that was made from actual Ohio court documents. It goes through a trial hearing that escalates over the definition of a photocopier. It's funny because of how ludicrous it is. Another reason to not study law I guess, too many technicalities.

Scientists have developed a computer chip modeled after the human brain. That alone sounds like science fiction and is kind of awesome. The even more incredible fact is that it can operate (I think these were the numbers, remember I try and pull all of this from memory) at 9,000 times the processing power of current computers. It also uses only needs 20% of the Watts of common computers to function. This could be the first step into a very interesting future.

Microsoft has a fun development on the keyboard. Using infrared scanners and some predictive algorithms they've found a way to eliminate the use of a mouse while using a keyboard. You don't have to take your hands off of home row to zoom, scroll and change pages. It looks like you are operating an iPad but hovering slightly above the keyboard. It actually appears very intuitive and I look forward to the next step in a 70 year+ old user interface for typing.

I learned today that Tesla sells swag, so that's cool. Get a t shirt, bottle or bag with Tesla branding. They even have baby clothing. Honestly it just makes me want to get a car even more.

The new Godzilla trailer reveals some new developments... apparently Godzilla fights another monster, a monster that appears to be Mothera.

And finally fan made videos are awesome and CG effects for the masses have only brought about more coolness to enjoy. See Star Wars vs. Harry Potter which I believe is a just portrayal of the outcome. Look it up.

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